James Allen wrote a book entitled As A Man Thinketh at the beginning of the last century. It has been described by many as one of the greatest books ever written and I am convinced they are right. I discovered the principles of the book in 1974 and they changed my life. I used them primarily in business but they apply
to any phase of life. The book teaches how you can change your circumstances in life by changing your thinking.
I became so enthused about the value of the book and its principles that I would tell anyone who would listen about this wonderful little book that could can lives. Some got tired of listening but I kept talking. You know how you feel when you discover something good you like to tell others about the wonder.
Recently I discovered a neat way to spread the wisdom of this great writing. The book is now in the public domain. The copyright expired long ago so it is available to all free of charge. But it was too expensive to print the book and give it away. A simple solution presented itself. Through the magic of the internet I realized that I could give away unlimited copies of the book for a nominal amount utilizing PDF downloadable ebooks. So I am now on a mission to give away 100,000 copies of the book,
Not long ago I put up a website that offers the book free of charge to anyone who wants to take advantage of the wonderful secrets of success found in the great writing. The URL is www.AsAManThinketh.info and you are invited to go there get your copy and read it at least twice.
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