Thursday, February 10, 2011

My thoughts:

My thoughts:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

James Allen's Quotes on Success from As A Man Thinketh

Everyone wants to be a success.  Some start desiring it at an early age.  Many sit around for years waiting for it to happen and wonder why it doesn't come to them.  Alas, all those lottery tickets gone to waste.  A problem with many is they don't know the definition of success.  This is critical because it is highly unlikely a person will become successful without knowing what the word means.  James Allen's Quotes on Success from As A Man Thinketh gives the answer.

The most common conception of a successful person is they are rich.  If a person is successful it is widely believed it is a result of acquiring lots of money and things.  That may or may not be true according to the definition.

I believe the best description of success was coined by Earl Nightingale.  He was a  big insurance executive in Chicago.  He was a great insurance salesman and was very effective in teaching others to become top notch insurance salesman.  He was an acknowledged authority on motivation and success training.

He said "success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal."  To be successful a person must set for themselves a worthy goal.  Nothing happens until a person does that simple act.  The lack of goals is what makes men and rivers wander aimlessly and never seem to get anywhere.  "A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart and set out to accomplish it" are words of James Allen.

This is not a universally accepted idea.  Many will say goals aren't important, they say work hard and behave and the Good Lord will take care of you.  When I hear those opinions I think of a scenario where a basketball game is to be played on a court with no goals.  The players are told to just go out and run up and down the court but they refuse because they won't be able to know the score.  Life is the same way, without goals we will not know our score.

Not long ago it was an accepted opinion that man could not run a four minute mile.   Roger Bannister set a goal for himself to do that.  He became the first human to run a four minute mile because he set a goal.

A proviso of Mr. Nightingale's definition of success is that the goal must be worthy.  It won't work if it is intended to pursue a corrupt end.  Allen states "bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results."

A fascinating aspect of the definition is that success is a "progressive realization" meaning once a person starts taking steps toward the goal they become a success.  Progressive realization of a goal builds the strength of character.

I hope you will take the pursuit of success on as a project and in the process build your strength of character.  Profound tips on the process are waiting for you in your own free copy of the great book by James Allen As A Man Thinketh.  CLICK HERE

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Profound Quotes from As A Man Thinketh

Guarding your mind's door
There are many quotes in James Allen's book As A Man Thinketh that can keep money in your pocket and protect you from all sorts of calamities.  One that comes to mind is  "There is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipation the ills of the body." 

We are in control of the door to our mind so we govern the the thoughts that are permitted to enter.  Too often negative thoughts are allowed in.  When that happens all sorts of havoc is created.

An example is depression caused by negative thoughts.  Apparently many fall prey to this result because there is an industry built around anti-depression drugs.  It is expensive and there are some very unpleasant hanger on effects that come with the medicine.

It is too bad many people don't follow the wisdom of the quote and become depressed to the point of having to take antidepressant drugs.  Adding insult to injury not only is it costly but they cause suffering to get happy.

One ad cautions potential users to be aware of the most common side effects that include constipation, dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, increased appetite, stuffy nose, weight gain, upset stomach, fatigue, and difficulty speaking.

Or course the potential users were cautioned to be very careful when operating machinery and driving after taking the drug.  And the drug just might cause suicidal tendencies and loss of control of the face, tongue and other body parts.

If that wasn't enough users of this particular drug should be on the alert for any of the following conditions: confusion, muscle pain, stiff muscles, high fever, weakness, sweating, changes in blood pressure, heart rate and pulse and even death.

It is hard to imagine that many are willing to endure the costs and side effects of a drug to cure depression when the solution is right there in their mind.

In his book of timeless wisdom James Allen describes how anyone can control their thought and live a happier and more prosperous life.

Free copies of his book are available.  Get one today and change your life for the better.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

James Allen The Little Known Master of Positive Thought

James Allen
James Allen has touched the lives and influenced millions around the world and yet remains little known to the world he effected.  His book As A Man Thinketh was the second of the twenty plus books he penned in his brief writing career and it has served down through the years as a beacon to those who want to lead a richer and happier life.  The theme of the book is You Are What You Think and it is the basis of all positive thinking and motivational teachings today.

James Allen was born in 1864 in Leicester, England.  His parents produced a large family and supported it wit a business that unfortunately became bankrupt in 1878.  The father decided to go to America for a new start.  He planned to go himself in the beginning, become established and then bring over the rest of the family as soon as he could but those plans were tragically ended.  Shortly after arriving in his adopted homeland he died under inexplicable circumstances.  Young James was15 at the time and had to begin working to help support his destitute family 

Until 1902 he worked in office administration.  He had always been a student of spiritual concepts and he liked to write so at that time he decided to become a full time writer.  His wife Lily was also a writer.  He moved his little family (wife Lily and daughter Nora Lily) to the little resort town of Ilfracombe on the southwest shore of England and did become a full time writer.  His daily routine soon became a ritual of rising before dawn and walking to a hilltop with a view of the ocean for an hour of contemplation.  The morning was devoted to his writings and in the afternoon he would tend his garden.  Most evenings were spent with friends discussing different topics of interest.  

The book As A Man Thinketh was his second book and he did not think it was good enough for publication but his wife urged him to complete the project.  Luckily it was published and it has done a world of good.  It is very ironic that this unassuming man who doubted the value of his book has improved the lives of so many people around the world and gets very little credit for his great book..

There are still millions of people who have not read the book and benefited from its teachings.  Knowing the benefits of the book, what they did for me and what they can do for the world I am on a mission to give away 1,000,000 copies.  I am starting out with you so   please go to my website, download your book and read it as soon as possible.  It is free and you can have it instantly downloaded on your computer.  If you agree that its teachings are beneficial help me by recommending it to all you know.  It's easy just tell them to pass on this website:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Setting Your Goals Too High?

How many times have you heard someone say "oh he or she should not set such high goals because they will only set themselves up for disappointment."  I cringe when I hear those statements because it is such a spirit killer.  A person should always be encouraged to seek higher goals.  You never know they may be the next

Monday, November 29, 2010

As A Man Thinketh

James Allen wrote a book entitled As A Man Thinketh at the beginning of the last century.  It has been described by many as one of the greatest books ever written and I am convinced they are right.  I discovered the principles of the book in 1974 and they changed my life.  I used them primarily in business but they apply