Saturday, January 8, 2011

Profound Quotes from As A Man Thinketh

Guarding your mind's door
There are many quotes in James Allen's book As A Man Thinketh that can keep money in your pocket and protect you from all sorts of calamities.  One that comes to mind is  "There is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipation the ills of the body." 

We are in control of the door to our mind so we govern the the thoughts that are permitted to enter.  Too often negative thoughts are allowed in.  When that happens all sorts of havoc is created.

An example is depression caused by negative thoughts.  Apparently many fall prey to this result because there is an industry built around anti-depression drugs.  It is expensive and there are some very unpleasant hanger on effects that come with the medicine.

It is too bad many people don't follow the wisdom of the quote and become depressed to the point of having to take antidepressant drugs.  Adding insult to injury not only is it costly but they cause suffering to get happy.

One ad cautions potential users to be aware of the most common side effects that include constipation, dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, increased appetite, stuffy nose, weight gain, upset stomach, fatigue, and difficulty speaking.

Or course the potential users were cautioned to be very careful when operating machinery and driving after taking the drug.  And the drug just might cause suicidal tendencies and loss of control of the face, tongue and other body parts.

If that wasn't enough users of this particular drug should be on the alert for any of the following conditions: confusion, muscle pain, stiff muscles, high fever, weakness, sweating, changes in blood pressure, heart rate and pulse and even death.

It is hard to imagine that many are willing to endure the costs and side effects of a drug to cure depression when the solution is right there in their mind.

In his book of timeless wisdom James Allen describes how anyone can control their thought and live a happier and more prosperous life.

Free copies of his book are available.  Get one today and change your life for the better.

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